"Step into the shadows where Anomalies survive."
Slip into the shadows of a world beneath the surface. Superpowers seem like something people once dreamt of. But when children started being born with powers, it became obvious that theswe dreams were actually the stuff of nightmares. Fire elemental toddler meltdowns resulting in homes burnt to the ground, children with no sense of their powers causing citywide blackouts, teens playing pranks that ended in death and mayhem. And that’s to say nothing of grown adults who delight in the power and chaos they’re capable of casing with a wave of their hands.
Naturally, law and order had to crack down on controlling these uncontrollable powers, and what better way to incite cooperation than make those same superpowers something to fear and report? These days, Anomalies keep to the shadows, trying to live their lives despite knowing they’ll never be seen as anything but a danger to society.
Which side of the civil war will you support?